Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography compiled by Stefan Blaschke |
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Start: Topical Index: Representations: Art: Modern Art:
Representations: Art: [Site] A m e r i c a n A r t [Site] U.S. American Art [Info] Fryd, Vivien G. The "ghosting" of incest and female relations in Harriet Hosmer s Beatrice Cenci . Art bulletin 88 (2006): 292-309. [Site] A s i a n A r t [Site] Japanese Art
[Site] E u r o p e a n A r t [Site] English Art [Info] Dimock, George. Childhood s end. Lewis Carroll and the image of the rat. Word & image 8 (1992): 183-205. [Info] Nichols, Kate. Arthur Hacker s Syrinx (1892): Paint, classics and the culture of rape. Feminist Theory 17 (2016): 107-126. [Info] Zipes, Jack. A Second Gaze at Little Red Riding Hood's Trials and Tribulations. The Lion and the Unicorn 7-8 (1983-84): 78-109. [Site] French Art
[Info] Siebe, Michaele. Vergewaltigung der Republik: Karikaturen aus der Zeit der Kommune. Blick-Wechsel: Konstruktionen von M nnlichkeit und Weiblichkeit in Kunst und Kunstgeschichte. Edited by Ines Lindner et al. Berlin 1989: 453-464. [Info] Zipes, Jack. A Second Gaze at Little Red Riding Hood's Trials and Tribulations. The Lion and the Unicorn 7-8 (1983-84): 78-109. [Site] German Art
[Info] Lindner, Martin. Der Mythos Lustmord . Serienm rder in der deutschen Literatur, dem Film und der bildenden Kunst zwischen 1892 und 1932. Verbrechen, Justiz, Medien. Konstellationen in Deutschland von 1900 bis zur Gegenwart. Edited by Joachim Linder et al. T bingen 1999: 273-305. [Info] Zipes, Jack. A Second Gaze at Little Red Riding Hood's Trials and Tribulations. The Lion and the Unicorn 7-8 (1983-84): 78-109. [Site] Spanish Art